Sequim Rare Plants, Sequim, WA 98382

Primula auricula 'Haysom(e)'

Primula auricula 'Haysome'Primula auricula 'Haysom(e)'

•  Click here to visit our Main Plant List page for current availability of this plant
•  common names: primrose, auricula primrose or auricula (in anatomy, “auricula” is another name for the external portion of the ear alluding to the fleshy, leathery quality of this primrose's leaves)
•  flowering season: April into May, with a lighter second blooming oftentimes in fall
•  height: 4 to 6 inches
•  Light requirements: full sun or filtered light, afternoon shade where summers are hot
•  Soil requirements: average soil when planted in the ground; quickly draining soil when grown in a pot
•  Water requirments: average
•  Growth habit: grows as a clump of shoots; older shoots can become leggy and will benefit from being replanted deeper every few years
•  How to propagate: dividing in either spring or early fall
•  Leaf type: evergreen leaves that are somewhat rubbery and succulent
•  Ways to use it: grows well in the garden or will live happily in a 6 or 8-inch pot for several years before needing to be divided and repotted; plants that are grown in pots can easily be wintered over in the garden by removing them from their pots in September or October and planted in a protected spot on the east side of a house, to be returned to their pots in February or March, in time for their mid-spring flowering
•  Special characteristics: both the flowers and the foliage have a slightly spicy fragrant scent; because it is native to higher mountainous elevations, it much prefers cool summers rather than hot humid ones -- although it is possbile to grow it in warmer climates, it is suggested not to keep the roots constantly damp and giving it afternoon shade; we recommend allowing a plant to dry out considerably between deep watering, and also misting the leaves; one secret to keeping it happy is either growing it in a terra cotta pot or giving it a potting soil that is 50% pumice or perlite
•  Other points of interests: some historians believe the ancestors of this plant were collected from their native range in the Alps mountains of Europe and were the first plants grown in pots by Europeans; they were highly prized by Victorian gardeners during the nineteenth century when many unusually colored varieties were available

This is a show auricula with gray petals and a thin line of black or very dark red, at the petals' bases, surrounding a white eye. The leaves have a dusting of farina coloring them in a silvery cast. Cold hardy to −35 to −40°F, with protection such as snow cover.

Whether the name of this variety should have an “e” at its end or not, we are uncertain about. The plants we originally purchased in the U.S. were named 'Haysome,' however we see on the internet that two auriculas are named for people with the surname of Haysom ('Alice Haysom' and 'C. G. Haysom'). And that some of the photographs on the internet of 'C. G. Haysom' closely match the flowers of our plants. If anyone reading this can provide definitive information, we would appreciate hearing from you.


Sequim Rare Plants, 500 N. Sequim Ave., Sequim, WA 98382 USA  - -  (360) 775-1737