Sequim Rare Plants, Sequim, WA 98382

Erodium chrysanthum

Erodium chrysanthumErodium chrysanthum

•  Click here to visit our Main Plant List page for current availability of this plant
•  common names: heronsbill, storksbill
•  flowering season: early summer with a second flowering in fall
•  height: 5 inches, spreading wider
•  Light requirements: sun; afternoon shade in very warm climates
•  Soil requirements: well drained
•  Water requirments: average
•  Growth habit: low
•  How to propagate: tip cuttings in early summer
•  Leaf type: gray fingered leaves
•  Ways to use it: a good candidate if you need plants that are drought tolerant; excellent in a sunny rock garden
•  Special characteristics: the leaves complement many other types of foliage

From Greece, this yellow storksbill or heronsbill needs at least a half day of sunlight for healthy growth. In hot summer climates, it would like afternoon shade. It has light pastel yellow flowers beginning early in summer and again in fall. It flowers better in a poor, lean soil. With water conservation a growing need this is one plant that would fulfill your desire for a plant that thrives in a dry or xeric landscape. Height will be five inches with a spread of twelve inches. Hardy to USDA Zone 5. Its leaves are lacey and grayish.


Sequim Rare Plants, 500 N. Sequim Ave., Sequim, WA 98382 USA  - -  (360) 775-1737